

2023-02-17 23:34:45


How will you live your BitLife

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good j【基本介绍】
How will you live your BitLife

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way.

Or will you make choices that horrify your parents You could descend into a life of crime, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse.

It\'s all up to you...

We\'re back with another quick update to tidy up a few bugs from the Luxury Update. Thank you as always, dear Bitizens, for reporting the issues so quickly!

Here\'s the full list of new things from the Luxury Update:

? Aircraft ownership (planes, helicopters, etc.)
? Watercraft ownership (every kind of boat you can imagine!)
? Jewelers and jewelry (watch out for fakes!)
? All-new salon: customize your appearance!
? Flight school & pilot\'s test
? Earn your boating license
? Engagement rings & proposals (men: don\'t propose to your ladies with fake diamonds – just don\'t)
? Children now hang on to hard assets for future generations
? Car maintenance – vehicles can be kept for generations if properly cared for!
? Shopping interface overhaul
? More textual content
? Tons of life refinements, interface tweaks, and bug fixes

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