荣誉之战 Android v4.31.26 安卓版
2023-02-18 15:51:14
荣誉之战 HonorBound:加上前期难以忍受的单一和枯燥,想不让人打瞌睡都不行。游戏画面在当下一大票卖萌有理满屏圆脸的手游市场还算是有自己的特色,虽然离精致华丽还有一段距离,不过不同英雄的造型以及士兵随从、敌方怪物的设定也多种多样。 官方介绍 《荣誉之战 HonorBound》是一款策略类角色扮演RPG游戏。游戏中玩家将组建自己的战队,招募拥有不同技能和属性的英雄和对手展开对攻,合理运用不同英雄的技能来赢得战斗的胜利。同时不断获得胜利还能解锁更多技能,让你的战队更加强大。 更新日志 We've got a great new update: FRIENDING! Now you can invite friends to HonorBound and play with them to get exclusive Friend Heroes! Spar with friends to find out who has the best squad! -Capture Traps! Gain an edge when trying to capture enemies! Traps increase the success chance of capturing. Collect them from enemies, research or the shop! -Resistances! Heroes now have Resistances and Vulnerabilities that you can exploit for a more strategic battle experience! 游戏需要联网。 |
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