小人大战 Eenies? at War 战斗游戏 online mmorpg war game10
2023-02-18 15:08:41
【概括介绍】 终于,疯狂坦克(GUNBOUND?) 风格, 超级多玩家在线战争游戏登录苹果iPhone, iPod, 和iPad啦! 拥有百战天虫(WORMS?)和焦土(SCORCHED EARTH?)风格般的唯美场景. 同时还拥有 “量身订制”的Mobiles和Avatars装备! 使您能够享受美景的之余可依据特定场景,更改战争攻略.让您,防可构建工事,抗击敌人;攻可使用特制武器击垮对手,特别是使用超级SS武器积聚能量,予以敌人毁灭性打击.【概括介绍】 终于,疯狂坦克(GUNBOUND?) 风格, 超级多玩家在线战争游戏登录苹果iPhone, iPod, 和iPad啦! 拥有百战天虫(WORMS?)和焦土(SCORCHED EARTH?)风格般的唯美场景. 同时还拥有 “量身订制”的Mobiles和Avatars装备! 使您能够享受美景的之余可依据特定场景,更改战争攻略.让您,防可构建工事,抗击敌人;攻可使用特制武器击垮对手,特别是使用超级SS武器积聚能量,予以敌人毁灭性打击.此版本游戏升级到64级后即可沿路找寻新零件. 游戏特色: 超级多玩家在线战争游戏 17级单机版挑战模式 在线Achievements & Leaderboard 88级升级模式 230个装备 超过100,000个武器组合模式 期待中: 土族战争 更多挑战级别 更多武器 获取更多iOS游戏,敬请登录: http://www.savysoda.com -= V4.4 =- - 64 Bit Update - Everyplay update -= V4.3 =- - Fixed crash issue from low memory -= V4.2 =- - 2V2 and FFA improved matchmaking - Fixed crash on iPad 1 and iOS 5 -= V4.1 =- - Fixed crash issue running on iOS 7 and 7.1 -= V4.0 =- - Fixed multiplayer bug -= V3.9 =- - iOS 8 Support - iPhone 6 and 6 Plus support -= V3.8 =- - Removed Status Bar - Improved Data Security -= V3.7 =- - Minor Bugfixes -= V3.6 =- - iOS 7 optimisation - Fixed crash issue related to iOS 7 audio -= V3.5 =- - Added pocket change reward system. - Get real world rewards for levelling up in Eenies and winning multiplayer games. -= V3.4 =- - Improved multiplayer connectivity -= V3.3 =- - Balance change: possible to use perks and items in the same turn. - Removed multi item use issue. - Minor bugfixes. -= V3.2 =- - Magnets no longer affect frozen units - Fixed a level bug - Fixed 2v2 turn timing - Flipped menu and wind icons -= V3.1 =- - Fixed missing items issue - Fixed new map difficulty issue - Fixed 2v2 level balancing -= V3.0 =- - iPhone 5 full screen support - 3 new maps. 50 stages total - Graphics improvements. - New prototype weapons. Siege tanks. 2 New alien vessels. New Mech. New catapult. New Ballista. New Bull Armour Set. New background set - Graphics improvements - Multiplayer improvements - Bug fixes -= V2.9 =- - Minor Fixes - Fixed crash during extended play issue. - Fixed a issue with selling items. - Fixed Gambler league award issue. -= V2.8 =- - Minor bugfixes -= V2.7 =- Gameplay changes - 11 New Challenges & Achievements - 5 New Levels - Over 55 new Weapons & Armours - New Wing equipment type - New backpack - 7 new wings. - Introducing Challenges. - Rebalanced all split missiles to deal additional damage - New gamble option for 1v1 - 2v2 games now require permanent wifi connection - Rebalanced FFA levels - Introduced new Gamble Leagues - Added mute sound and music controls Feature Updates - Menu layout modified - Fixed issue where firing causes a turn skip - Improved sound engine speed - 2v2 now requires WiFi【更新日志】 64 Bit update. |
小人大战 Eenies? at War 战斗游戏 onlin 下载地址